Tuesday, July 1, 2008

update from terry!

Okay guys, I guess this is it. The single biggest undertaking of my life. I wanted to take a minute and thank everyone who has donated so far, I can't even began to express my gratitude. The epilepsy cause is as you know near and dear to my heart as my son Zack faces this hurtle every day of his life as do thousands of other children, teens, and adults. The seizures strike mostly with no warning and make every day things like driving a car, holding a job or going to the movies all have an element of fear and shame that it might happen in public or in front of friends. one hell of a way to live. I am really proud of my son as he has been fearless in spite of this condition, and in being his mom I hope to show him to never back down from anything to always strive to beat the odds to never listen to people who say you can't do that. and to remember our motto " that a seizure is just a temporary state of mind"

So right now all the bags are packed, the car is stuffed with enough Ramen noodles to feed a small army. Every little ache and pain has me in a small panic. I keep telling myself that I'm not really crazy and that everything god willing will work out. I have one hell of a crew who are anxious and excited to get this show on the road. Once again thanks to everyone who has graciously donated and for all the wonderful words of encouragement and support, cause I'm sure gonna need it. Terry Abrams.

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